5040 Cannot open the include file %1. Any bitmap folders specified in the file will not be added to the project. Do you want to open the project anyway?
5041 , pos=(%d, %d)
5042 , size=(%d, %d)
5043 , auto-size height
5044 , maximize
5045 , keep on top
5056 Nonscrolling area color
5057 Topic area color
9025 .hlp
9026 There is not enough memory available for this task.\nQuit one or more applications to increase available memory, and then try again.
9030 You cannot use absolute positions with a version 3 help file. Do you want to change this to a version 4 help file (can only be viewed with WinHelp 4.0 or later)?
9031 Edit Alias
9032 Internal Error: attempt to free NULL pointer.
9034 Internal Error: heap is corrupted.
9035 .h
9036 You must enter an alias string.
9037 You must enter a topic id.
9038 You cannot edit an #included file.
9039 This string does not contain an = character. Click the Remove button to remove it, and then click the Add button to enter it correctly.
9040 Lines containing a comment are preserved from older .HPJ files, but you cannot edit them.
9041 All files (*.*)|*.*||
9042 WARNING! A project file created or maintained by this new Windows help compiler is NOT compatible with the Dos-based version of the help compiler.\n\n
9043 .rtf
9044 Rtf Files|*.rtf;*.rtm||
9045 You must specify a filename, or Cancel the dialog box.
9046 Cannot find the file %1. Do want to include this file anyway?
9047 Add Alias
9048 Add Map Entry
9049 Edit Map Entry
9050 The map value must be an unsigned integer.
9051 Add Error Message
9052 This map entry does not contain any spaces or tabs.
9053 Add Macro
9054 Macro:
9055 Edit Macro
9056 Choose Folder
9057 Invalid Folder
9058 Keyword Macros
9059 An output filename is required for this option.
9060 Window Name (maximum of 8 characters)
9061 The window name %1 has already been added.
9062 Hpj Files
9063 Hlp Files
9064 Forage Files
9065 Cnt Files
9066 Cnt File:
9067 Contents File to Test
9068 Invalid Contents command line:\n %1
9069 A topic must include a topic id or macro.
9070 You must specify a number, not a string.
9071 You can only change the level of books and topics.
9072 You can only change the level of the first topic in a book.
9073 Although you can move this item to the right it may not appear correctly on the Contents tab. Are you sure you want to move this item?
9074 You cannot move the selected item to the right any further -- only 9 levels are allowed.
9075 You cannot skip a level.
9076 You cannot move this item to the left any further.
9077 Help title:
9078 Edit Help Index
9079 Help filename:
9080 Add Window
9081 You must enter a window name.
9082 Add Help Index
9083 You must enter a Help title.
9084 *.bmp;*.dib;*.vga;*.shg;*.mrb
9085 You cannot have more than 255 window definitions in your project file.
9086 You cannot have more than 6 window definitions for a version 3 help file.\nDo you want to accept these changes anyway?
9087 An error occurred writing to %s. Try saving to a different drive.